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In reel parts, we have over 30,000 individual parts in stock. Our brands include Abu, Accurate, Daiwa, Okuma, Penn, Quantu and Shimano. We also have limited stock of Avet and Lew’s. Genuine and aftermarket reel handles are also available.
It’s important to maintain your reel regularly, whether do it yourself or have professionals service them. If you are a DIY guy, we have the right greases and oils to help you to get the job done.
To order parts, first you need to identify the right part number. Here are the links to manufacturers’ websites so you could look up the schematics.
Once you find the parts you seek, please give us a call at (813) 358-1588. If you cannot find the schematic you need, please send us an email with the brand and model you need to
We will be glad to reply with a copy of it.
We have systematized our ball bearing data, therefore, we are able to find you a replacement if the original one is either out of stock or has been discontinued. For example, RD0026 has been discontinued. In our database, there are seven Shimano alternatives, all genuine, not aftermarket.
Rod Components
American Tackle, Flex Coat, Fuji and Pacific Bay’s products are normally in stock. From tip tops to bottom caps, from rod finishing brushs to rod building mounts, we have everything you need to repair your rod or to build a custom rod.
American Tackle
Flex Coat
Pacific Bay
We have opened our online store.

Pardon our limited items online, we are still working on publishing our entire inventory.